Ramadan Karim!

It is Ramadan again, the Muslim holy month of fasting and also of rejoicing and of happy reunions. The ARCHiNOS annual iftar, the communal meal when the day’s fast is broken after sunset, was held in Sultan Qaitbey’s lofty reception hall, just huge enough to accommodate the multitude of guests. Food came from Abu Khashab at al-Ghuriya next to the sabil of Muhammad ‘Ali Pasha, arguably the best kebab in Cairo, the small town of 20 million people. The evening was about more than food. The Nahda Art School of Social Theatre again gave a street theatre performance at the Maq‘ad  of Sultan Qaitbey’s courtyard, followed by a dazzlingly variegated dance performance by Ahmed Abdelnany’s group of folklore art and traditional dance– both to the delight of everyone in the audience and especially the children of the neighbourhood.